Freightliner Launches Big Boys Toys

Freightliner Dealerships nation wide are launching Freightliner Big Boy Toys which encourages customers to bring all their chromed up, muscle-brooding, shiny big boys toys to local dealer events.
Launching at Daimler Trucks Adelaide on 1st March, 2017 and the second event held at Daimler Trucks Somerton on the 22nd March, 2017 has seen loyal Freightliner customers join together for a night to show off their prized possessions everything from Holden V8's, Chrome trucks and custom bikes.
Food trucks where on-site providing a bite to eat while guests rubbed sholders with V8 royality Brad Jones, Freightliner Racing #14 driver Tim Slade with our brand's biggest ambassador Stax (V8 Transporter) driver Paul Eddy. Local Harley Davidson dealerships also got involved leveraging their official hauler partnership with Freightliner showcasing some of the most unique custom bikes in the country.
So it's time to dust off your big boy toys, get your chamois out and keep an eye out for a local Freightliner Big Boys Toys event coming to a dealership near you!